AES Annual Meeting Photos 2005

David Boyle searching for beetles in a litter sample.  Photo by Jon Sweeney. (76kb) Reggie Webster and Andrew Morrison sorting staphylinid beetles and other insects from litter samples in Odell Park. Tony Thomas on right.  Photo by Jon Sweeney. (168kb) Kathryn Dau-Schmidt (left) and Christine Noronha looking for butterflies in Odell Park.  Photo by Jon Sweeney. (76kb) Andrew Morrison of UNB's Population Ecology Group was runner up for best student paper.  Photo by George Fanjoy. (39kb) Awards presented for best student papers at the 2005 AES Meeting, left to right: Kenna MacKenzie, President of the AES; Andrew Morrison, runner up; Pauwlina Dexter, first prize; Jon Sweeney, Past-President.  Photo by George Fanjoy. (48kb)
Pauwlina Dexter of UNB's Population Ecology Group was awarded first prize for the best student paper by newly elected AES President, Kenna MacKenzie.  Photo by George Fanjoy. (33kb) Donna Giberson received a beautiful framed photograph of a green darner dragonfly from outgoing AES President Jon Sweeney, in appreciation of her excellent work organizing the 2004 Joint Annual Meeting of the ESC and AES.  Photo by George Fanjoy. (88kb)